
The Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project (OCSP) is a clinical classification based on neurological deficits. OCSP was the first large epidemiological study to use CT scanning to distinguish infarct from hemorrhage. It intended to refine the previous grouping of strokes in such studies as simply “anterior” or “posterior” circulation and, among the first to recognize the likely importance of lacunar stroke.

This project is an easy-to-use computer-based algorithm (COMPACT) to help neurology residents, neurologists, and general practitioners to allocate correctly the OCSP clinical syndromes. Users can inform the description of deficits (practical examples and clinical tips of how to identify a specific neurological marker) alongside the question, or as a sign along with the symptom, as it is presented with the tables in the OCSP classification.

Application developed by Felipe Timbo Brito, Joao Victor Moreira and Joao Brainer Clares de Andrade.

This project is financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Codes 88881.189495/2018-01 and 88881.189723/2018-01
